City of Annapolis, Maryland (MD) Parking Guide

Annapolis Parking: 60 West St., Suite 106, Annapolis, MD 21401
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Premium Parking: 121 Cathedral St., Ste 2D, Annapolis, MD 21401

Annapolis To Offer Holiday Parking Benefits

Improvements Include New Valet Location, Pedestrian Friendly Main Street
& Online Prepay for Garages

To support Annapolis businesses, Mayor Michael Pantelides announces the return of popular parking options this holiday season as well as changes designed to improve the downtown holiday experience for both drivers and pedestrians. The changes were made in consultation with SP+, the city’s comprehensive parking management firm.

“Annapolis is known as one of America’s best holiday towns and we want to make it even better,” said Mayor Pantelides. “From a pedestrian friendly Main Street to online parking reservations, these changes are designed to make Annapolis memorable to visitors, local businesses, and residents alike.”

Improved Valet Service: Free valet parking will be offered downtown each Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from Friday, November 25 through Saturday, December 24. The valet drop off is being moved from Market Space to the Dock Street island this year to improve pedestrian safety and accommodate more vehicles. By staging the valet service at Dock Street, drivers no longer have to maneuver through seven pedestrian crosswalks or make two trips around a traffic circle as they did last year. The service will be offered the following dates and times:

Thursdays – 4 p.m. to midnight
Fridays – 4 to 9 p.m.
Saturdays – Noon to 9 p.m.
Sundays – Noon to 5 p.m.

Pedestrian Friendly Main Street: To make Midnight Madness more pedestrian friendly, the top of Main Street between Conduit Street and Church Circle will be closed to vehicles from 4 p.m. to midnight on December 1, December 8, and December 15. Vehicles on lower Main Street can still exit downtown from Conduit Street or Francis Street.

Pre-Pay for Garage Parking: To minimize downtown traffic, parking guests can purchase garage parking ahead of time online at For a 12% convenience fee, guests can reserve a parking space in the Hillman Garage, Gotts Garage and Knighton Garage by using a secure online transaction. Simply visit the webpage for the garage of your choice to complete your transaction. Garage rates are:

Hillman Garage Rates:

Gotts Court Garage & Knighton Garage Rates:

  • Thurs & Fridays: Enter after 4 p.m. and leave before 6 a.m. for a flat rate of $5.00
  • Saturdays & Sundays: $5.00 flat rate all day
  • Prepaid available at

Free, 3-Hour Parking at Meters: The city will once again offer 3 hours of free parking at metered spaces downtown from November 25, 2016, through January 1, 2017. The three hours of free parking will be available at all bagged parking spots on Main Street, Francis Street, West Street, Maryland Avenue, Prince George Street, City Dock, Calvert Street and Market Space. This benefit is only for three hours only. Violators will be ticketed.

Expanded Circulator Service: The city will provide extended Circulator service for Midnight Madness December 1, December 8 and on December 15. On these days, the Circulator will be free and will run from 4 p.m. to Midnight. One shuttle will run from West Gate Circle to Church Circle, and another will run from West Gate Circle to City Dock via Duke of Gloucester, east on Randall Street, up Prince George Street to College Avenue, and back to West Street.

Find the Annapolis Circulator on Your Smartphone or Desktop

Annapolis Mayor Michael Pantelides today announced that locating the Annapolis Circulator shuttle just got a lot easier. SP+, the comprehensive parking management firm for the city, has unveiled a free smartphone app that enables the public to track the circulator’s location in real-time and get estimated arrival times for upcoming stops. SP+ also added a real-time circulator tracker to the city’s parking website,

The mobile app is available in both iOS and Android app stores at no charge. Simply download the app named “RLS Shuttle” and select “Annapolis Circulator” to start tracking the shuttle. The desktop tracker is also mobile-enhanced and can be viewed by visiting, and clicking on “Track the Circulator.”

“This mobile app is one step in a much broader effort to make the circulator modern, convenient, and reliable for all,” said Mayor Pantelides. “At my direction, SP+ is reviewing all aspects of the circulator service from routes and vehicles to cost and customer service, determining how to more effectively move riders throughout our great city.”

Mayor Pantelides and SP+ also encourage the public to fill out the circulator community survey, which can be found at

Residents or visitors with questions may call SP+ at (443) 648-3087 for additional information.

Warnings for Illegally Parking in Residential Areas Ends October 1 Escalating Fees in Effect

SP+, parking management firm for the City of Annapolis, reminds the public that all individuals who park illegally in residential areas will be ticketed, beginning Saturday October 1st. The escalating fees for illegally parking in residential areas will also go into effect October 1.

A nearly three month grace period, which ends October 1, was announced this summer allowing first time offenders to receive a warning rather than a ticket and allowed time to educate the public on the escalating fees, encouraging parking guests to explore alternative parking options.

“During the grace period, SP+ issued more than 400 written warnings for first time offenses,” said Jon Kemp, regional manager for SP+. “The goal of the warnings was to educate parking guests about the new fine schedule so they could avoid getting a ticket in the future. We encourage everyone to visit for convenient parking options across Annapolis.”

Beginning October 1st, the fine schedule enacted by the City Council in July goes into effect. That fine schedule includes the following changes:

  • Metered Parking: A $40 fine will be issued for staying past the maximum time allowed at a metered space. Each additional violation will result in a $40 fine.
  • Residential Parking: Fines will be increased on an escalating schedule starting at $40 and costing as much as $140:
    1. Fine for initial offense: $40.00 (Two times the daily maximum garage fee)
    2. Second violation in a one year period: $70.00
    3. Third violation in a one year period: $105.00
    4. Fourth violation (or greater) in a one year period: $140.00

SP+ is using new License Plate Recognition technology, which is mounted on two enforcement vehicles and will allow for a more accurate reading of license plates on vehicles that have been parked illegally in a residential district.

Take the Annapolis Circulator Survey


SP+, the parking management firm for the City of Annapolis, is conducting a community survey to improve the Annapolis Circulator shuttle. By completing the 3-minute survey linked below, you can help SP+ and the city determine how best to quickly, comfortably and safely move residents and visitors throughout our great town.

To take the survey, please click here.

Thank you for your participation. Be sure to follow Annapolis Parking on Facebook and Twitter!

Enforcement Changes (Increase in Fines) to Metered and Residential Parking

Be Aware of Enforcement Changes (Increase in Fines) to Metered and Residential Parking

In an effort to educate the public on these changes, Mayor Michael Pantelides has called for a “grace period” for first time parking offenders until October 1, 2016.

Effective Immediately:

During the grace period, first time offenders for both metered and residential parking will not receive a fine. Instead, they will receive a written warning that encourages the vehicle owner to explore alternative parking options at

After the first warning has been issued:

  • (Metered Parking) A $40 fine will be issued for staying past the maximum time allowed at a metered space. Each additional violation will result in a $40 fine.
  • (Residential Parking) Repeat offenders that illegally park in a residential area will continue to receive a $40 ticket for each violation, rather than the escalating fines up to $140.00, even if they have incurred multiple violations. 

Effective October 1, 2016:

  • (Metered Parking) A $40 fine will be issued for staying past the maximum time allowed at a metered space. Each additional violation will result in a $40 fine.
  • (Residential Parking) Fines will be increased on an escalating schedule starting at $40 and costing as much as $140:
  1. Fine for initial offense: $40.00 (Two times the daily maximum garage fee)
  2. Second violation in a one year period: $70.00
  3. Third violation in a one year period: $105.00
  4. Fourth violation (or greater) in a one year period: $140.00

SP+ is using new License Plate Recognition technology, which is mounted on two enforcement vehicles and will allow for a more accurate reading of license plates on vehicles that have been parked illegally in a residential district.

For parking options, go to

For more information on the grace period or the new fine schedules, please contact

Grace Period for Parking Citations in Annapolis Announced

Annapolis, MD (8-10-16) – In an effort to educate the public on new escalating fines for residential parking and increases for metered parking in the city, Mayor Michael Pantelides announced a grace period for first time offenders will be allowed until October 1, 2016.

During this time, residents and visitors can learn more about the new parking regulations and fine schedule, and the city will gather public input to determine potential changes to the fine schedule and to parking districts.

The city’s new comprehensive parking firm, SP+, has been implementing a series of new programs as it manages the day-to-day parking and enforcement operations. Metered parking in the city will increase from $20 to $40 per ticket.  In addition, an escalating fine schedule will be implemented in residential areas to eliminate the illegal use of residential parking spaces. As part of the public education process, first time offenders for both metered and residential parking will receive a written warning that encourages the vehicle owner to explore alternative parking options at

During the grace period, repeat offenders for illegal parking in a residential area will continue to receive a $40 ticket for each violation, rather than the escalating fines up to $140.00, even if they have incurred multiple violations.

In the past the residential fine was $35.00 for each violation, but City Council adopted a new fine schedule and SP+ will be enforcing the schedule beginning on October 1, 2016:

Fine for initial offense: $40.00 (Two times the daily maximum garage fee)

Second violation in a one year period: $70.00

Third violation in a one year period: $105.00

Fourth violation (or greater) in a one year period: $140.00

SP+ is using new License Plate Recognition technology, which is mounted on two enforcement vehicles and will allow for a more accurate reading of license plates on vehicles that have been parked illegally in a residential district. By mounting the technology on vehicles, enforcement officers can cover routes faster and more efficiently than they previously have on foot.

Mayor Pantelides also asked SP+ to work with local business owners to ensure that employees have options for affordable parking and don’t rely on residential parking as an option. SP+ is currently reviewing a variety of alternatives and is collecting data that will be used to identify potential programs and possible legislation to assist employee programs in the future.

SP+ Discusses Parking Improvements with WORA Members

(07-27-16) Roughly 75 members of the Ward One Residents Association (WORA) turned out last Tuesday for a conversation with SP+, the city’s comprehensive parking management firm.  This was the second meeting SP+ has scheduled with WORA since March when the company began operations in Annapolis.  The purpose of the meeting was to outline several new initiatives designed to improve the parking experience in Annapolis.  Jon Kemp, SP+ regional manager, and Jason Prola, SP+ senior manager for Annapolis, led the discussion.  Tara Hargadon, chief of staff to Mayor Pantelides, and Alderman Joe Budge also participated.  Highlights of the discussion included:

Improved residential enforcement:  To reduce illegal parking on residential streets, SP+ has begun using license plate recognition technology, or LPR, to identify on-street parking violations.  By installing LPR technology on enforcement vehicles, enforcement officers can scan license plates to identify vehicles parked illegally faster and more accurately than before.

Residential parking permit update:  SP+ thanked residents for participating in the first ever online residential parking permit program and said that all residential permits were to be mailed no later than July 20th.   Jon and Jason also stated that SP+ is making software enhancements that will improve the user experience next year.

New parking violation fine schedule:  To help reduce illegal parking on residential streets, the City of Annapolis enacted a new parking violation fine schedule in July.  Initial violations will be fined $40.00 and subsequent violations will be fined on an escalating scale. (Full schedule linked here.)  To smooth the transition, the city has delayed the escalation schedule until Tuesday, September 6, meaning parking violations until then will be fined $40.00.  In the interim, SP+ is educating parkers by issuing warnings for initial offenses and will soon provide a helpful postcard outlining ways to avoid getting a ticket.

 Helping local businesses with parking changes:  Mayor Pantelides, the City Council and SP+ appreciate that many employees of businesses park on residential streets.  To ease the transition, the Mayor directed SP+ to work with local businesses to identify alternative parking options for employees.  SP+ is offering discounted parking validations in the Knighton and Gotts garages for employees who park after 3 p.m. and exit between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.  To secure validations, businesses must contact SP+ at or (443) 648-3087.  Validations will only be distributed to owners of Annapolis businesses or their designees. To learn about parking options prior to 3 p.m., businesses should contact SP+ directly.

Staying up to date on parking improvements:  SP+ encouraged the audience to stay informed on parking improvements by either signing up for the e-newsletter at, following on Facebook or Twitter, or contacting SP+ at or
(443) 648-3087.

SP+ Begins Improved Residential Parking Enforcement

Annapolis, MD (7-5-16) Mayor Michael Pantelides announces that SP+, the city’s comprehensive parking firm, will begin more efficient parking enforcement on residential streets beginning on Monday, July 11, 2016.

SP+ will be utilizing new License Plate Recognition technology, which will be mounted on two enforcement vehicles and will allow for a more accurate reading of license plates on vehicles that have been parked illegally in a residential district. By mounting the technology on vehicles, enforcement officers can cover routes faster and more efficiently than they previously have on foot.

Residents have requested that the city impose stiffer penalties for individuals who park beyond permitted time limits in residential parking districts.  In the past the fine was $35.00 for each violation, but City Council adopted a new fine schedule and SP+ will be enforcing the schedule:

  • Fine for initial offense: $40.00 (Two times the daily maximum garage fee)
  • Second violation in a one year period: $70.00
  • Third violation in a one year period: $105.00
  • Fourth violation (or greater) in a one year period: $140.00

Mayor Pantelides asked SP+ to work with local business owners to ensure that employees have options for affordable parking and don’t rely on residential parking as an option.  SP+ is revitalizing a program that allows employees of local businesses to park at specific garages for $2 a day between certain hours.  SP+ is meeting with local business owners to tailor the program to best fit the needs of their employees.

Annapolis Now Offers Online Parking Permit Registration

For first time ever, residents can bypass lines and secure permit online

city of annapolis

Annapolis, MD (6-06-16) Annapolis Mayor Michael Pantelides today announced a big improvement to the residential parking permit process. For the first time, Annapolis residents can purchase annual parking permits online at, effective immediately.

“I am committed to finding simple parking solutions for our residents,” Mayor Pantelides said. “With today’s announcement, there is no longer a need to stand in line – just go online.”

Residents who are unable or unwilling to secure a permit online may still do so in-person at the Noah Hillman Garage, located at 150 Gorman Street, in Annapolis. Informational postcards were mailed to all residents with existing permits earlier this month notifying them of their expanded options.

“Mayor Pantelides directed us to give residents convenient choices in all phases of parking,” said Chris Sherman, senior vice president at SP Plus. “Now a resident can secure a parking permit with just a few clicks of a button. Equally important, residents who wish to secure a permit in person are welcome to do so at the Hillman Garage.”

There are no changes to permit prices and all major credit cards are accepted. Proof of residency is required. For complete details and to purchase a permit for the zoned district residents reside, visit

Residents with questions are encouraged to call SP Plus at 410.263.4218 for additional information.

Mayor Michael J. Pantelides

Public Information Office
160 Duke of Gloucester Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Media contact: Rhonda Wardlaw
Office (410) 263-1183
Cell (410) 562-8970